Auto play audio in Sentence Mode
Otavio Pane
The play button in app is too high, at least would be easier if it was close to the thumbs
Mark Kaufmann
bwk Davide Roccato We are unlikely to add this but you should get used to using the keyboard shortcuts if you aren't already. Shift + > to go to the next sentence and then A to play the sentence audio. You can find all keyboard shortcuts in the Quick Start guide.
Davide Roccato
Mark Kaufmann: I use the shortcuts but I often entry definitions on the dictionaries and constatly have to move hands away from the keyboard.
I use the A as well.
I don't use Shift+> anymore because sometimes in the past was acting erratic and moving me to the end of the lesson turning all blue words as known, or moving me more than one page forward, and I don't want to risk it.
Automatic tools would require less clicking and more focus on studying. When you have time to look into it you could maybe reconsider it.
Automatic audio play in Sentence Mode + automatic translation would be a great combination. Both with the choice for the user to abilitate them in the settings.
Thanks for all the answers.
molly dot
Mark Kaufmann Not on mobile!
Davide Roccato
Yes, It would be nice to have a feature to auto play text-to-speech by moving from one page to another when in sentence mode.
The option that exist now does only the audio play when clicking the word.
I provided examples in the screenshot below.
Web app + mobile