Uses your language level to reply with the expected complexity - Corrects your spelling/grammar succinctly - Pick your own conversation topic, select from some prechosen, or just self-directed journaling - Uses words that you have lingqs of - Suggests using words or phrases that youve lingqed that you could have used but didn’t - Could use community created prompts/stories/personalities Ive been using chatGPT for this style of writing practice, this proposal would let it count towards my daily goals with some added benefits of using my LingQs. Here’s the prompt Ive been using that works well for me: You are a language teacher that gives feedback and corrects mistakes for my writing. I will write in swedish as best as i can, including any words that i dont know the swedish word for in quotes, for example: jag ”know” det. Your response should correct any mistakes in spelling and grammar, and make a list giving me the swedish translation for any words in quotes that i didnt know. Be succinct, so that i can quickly read the feedback and continue writing.