Hello LingQ Support Team, I have encountered an issue when trying to select certain words or expressions in LingQ. The problem mainly occurs with separable verbs (trennbare Verben) and multi-word expressions such as prepositional phrases, fixed collocations, and idioms. For example: In a sentence containing "vorstellen", I cannot select the full verb. Instead, LingQ only allows me to choose "vor" or "stellen", making it impossible to save and learn the full word correctly. Similarly, with expressions like "an ... interessiert sein", I suspect that the system will not allow selecting the full phrase. This limitation makes it difficult to properly learn German vocabulary, especially separable verbs, adjective-noun combinations, and fixed phrases. Would it be possible to add a feature that allows selecting full expressions across multiple words? This would greatly improve the learning experience for German learners. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards