Custom External Dictionaries
Dani Golobart
I think it would be useful to be able to add custom dictionaries or personal external tools where the only thing you have to define is a url and a GET parameter where you indicate the word to search for. For example, if I wanted to use nihongo master to search for the word 子供, it would be enough to define the dictionary as:
And have LingQ generate the link:
Mark Kaufmann
Dani Golobart both of those resources should now be added and working for you. Take a look and let me know.
Dani Golobart
Mark Kaufmann: Working, thank you Mark!
Mark Kaufmann
Dani Golobart We're probably not going to do this but if you let us know whenever you find a resource you would like us to add and we will try to add it.
Dani Golobart
Mark Kaufmann:
Thank you very much for your reply. It's a pity because I was preparing some private tools where I use the openai api to break down by words and translate whole sentences from Japanese, it would have been very useful for me. I hope that one day you will be able to integrate GPT 3.0 or 4.0 somehow, I personally use it very often while reading in lingq :)
Anyway, a dictionary that I think should be added for Japanese is Kanshudo, I use it a lot because apart from explaining the meaning (and example sentences) it gives you data about the frequency of use and other possible ways of writing the same word.
To generate the url, I think it would be enough to substitute the word 子供 at the end of this url: