Oldest LingQ "Newspapers" are ordered on top of stack :-(
in progress
Mark Word
Under “trending”, there are often news releases from 2023 and even later. People new to LingQ have not figured out that LingQ sorts newsletters and blogs by the oldest to newest. Oldest-to-Newest makes sense with BOOKS, but this is user unfriendly for the news and with blogs. IMO, the default should be "Newest-to-Oldest," and "oldest-to-newest" for books. If both defaults cannot be done, "newest- to-oldest" is the better default for both.
I use and highly recommend RFI, Radio Français International, but LingQ makes it difficult to easily find the latest edition. RFI is sponsored by the French government, and has many things that are great for new learners. LingQ rarely features the latest news release. Please make it easy for us for people new, and for the rest of us.
For those who are old enough to have had a stack of newspapers at home, NO ONE (especially librarians) would stack newspapers with the oldest newspaper on top of the pile and the news on the bottom.
Oldest LingQ “Newspapers” are ordered on top of stack :-(
This post was marked as
in progress
Mark Kaufmann
Mark Kaufmann
Good point. We will look into this.
Mark Kaufmann
under review