Track time spent reading in the statistics.
Zsolt Márcsev
Currently we have no way of tracking reading speed in LingQ other than using external tools (eg. a timer). Using the app on different platforms makes this even harder (eg. iOS users can't rely on screen time retrospectively as these get deleted every 2 weeks). Simply tracking how much time a user spends in the reading window of any content would solve this issue as LingQ is already tracking words read - so the user could on their own calculate or there could be a simple calculated "reading speed" added to the stastics.
The whole reason I started using LingQ over other apps was the ability to track my reading & vocab without any burdensome manual work. While this may be a minority, I think a sufficient chunk of users are interested in the tracking side of LingQ, seeing their streaks & known words increase over time, it'd be nice to also see how we improve our reading speed. Past 10-15k known words I feel less interested in the size of my vocabulary and more curious about my reading speed, I can clearly feel it improved but I can't check my past data unfortunately.
Mark Kaufmann
Mark Kaufmann
Zsolt Márcsev This is available now on the stats page on the web. Hopefully, will come to mobile soon too.
Mark Kaufmann
Mark Kaufmann
under review
Mark Kaufmann
Good suggestion. We have done some work on tracking time in the past. We can see what we can do there.