Translation suggestion for agglutinive languages.
For highly agglutinive languages one word appears in many variations in a text. Having to create a LingQ for all of those creates an enourmous effort. This could be easened by letting the app suggest a definition already created for a word that starts with the same letters/characters. This should be the upmost displayed suggestion, so the user only has to press a number key to create the definition.
Example: (Korean)
All of these have the same meaning, only differing in their grammatical usage in the sentence. So once the user has created a definition for one of those, it could be reused for the others.
It would already be helpful, if this feature would exist restricted to the current lesson/ currently created LingQs.
I can't speak for all languages, but the German translations provided for Korean are often wrong, in the wrong language (English) and often don't even fit the word type (so it proposes a verb as a translation for noun, for example). It often contains the translation of other words of the sentence or only that. From my experience I have a 50-50 chance the translation is correct, and even then it does not contain all the meanings a word might have.
So in summary the default translation is no replacement for manually creating the definition, in which case I shouldn't have to create the same ones over and over again.
Mark Kaufmann
We could look at something like this in future but, in the meantime, the default translation is context related so should be accurate and you can save it by simply hitting enter or arrowing right after you open it. In fact, the keyboard shortcuts generally are very useful and worth learning. Typing a status 1 to 4 will also select the first meaning and save it.